How long should you follow a fat loss diet for?

Answer: Diet for as long as it takes to achieve a body fat level you're happy with 🥳

Until you hit that point, fat loss will be your main body composition priority.

That might be 12 weeks for some of you or even six months or longer for others.

How long it takes will depend on:

  • How much fat you've got to lose

  • How do you respond to dieting - are you a fast or slow loser?

  • How closely you can stick to a diet, i.e. adherence

Start by creating a template diet day you're happy with following 📝

What will you have for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks?

This isn't rocket science.

Ditch the highly processed foods and focus on protein, fruit, veg and sensible serving sizes.

Also, start weighing yourself and recording it in an app like Happy Scale, which will show you a trend line of your progress over time.

Maybe take some progress pictures, too.

Next, start following your plan and adjust it until you find something that works, i.e., you're losing weight, and it feels doable.

Once you’ve found that, BOOM! 👏

Make this your 'normal day' and follow it when you can.

Here's the key to making it sustainable. Especially if you've got a lot of weight to lose 📉

Take breaks when you need them.

This might be for a night out with friends or a two-week summer holiday.

Take the break, then go back to following your ‘normal day’.

There is no right or wrong here.

As long as you're happy with your rate of progress. That's all that counts.

Happy? Keep going.

Unhappy? Tighten things up until you are.

When you get to a place you're happy with, we can talk about maintaining! 🚀


Most of my clients struggle with this target